All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- The paper (5-7 pages) must be original. It has not been submitted elsewhere and is written by the author(s) as given in the paper;
- All papers must fall within the aims and scope of the Call for Papers of ICISEA 2017;
- Paper has to be free from plagiarism;
- Paper submission is done through the EasyChair system If you already have an account for EasyChair just login with your existing account. If you don’t have an EasyChair account you can register on the EasyChair Registration Page or during the paper submission process.
- The file name is ICISEA2017_UIN Alauddin_AUTHORS NAME;
- The title of the paper should be written using CAPITAL LETTERS at all, font 14pt, bold, and centered;
- The author(s)’ name, institution, and email should be written under the title using font 10pt;
- Paper should be consisting of Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Discussion and Result, Conclusion, References;
- Written in English which is typed on A4, margins(top 4cm, left 4c, right 3cm, bottom 3cm), 1 columns, Times New Romans, font 11 pt, space 1, justify, about 2.000-3.000 words, doc. or.docx;
- The paper uses American Psychological Association (APA) Manual Style Citation, Body Note references indirect quotation, i.e : (Saeed, 2008)., e.g
- Saeed (2008, 15) argues that Contextual approach to the Qur’an ….or
- It is arguable to say that Contextualist approach to the Qur’an … (Saeed, 2008, 15).
- 11. The Reference should be:
- (Book): Author. (Year). Book Title. City:Publisher.
- Saeed, A. (2014). Reading the Qur’an in the Twenty-First Century a Contextualist Approach. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.
- (Article): Author. (Year). Title of Article. Title of Journal Vol (No.): pages.
- Saeed, Abdullah. (2008). Some Reflections on the Contextualist Approach to Ethico-Legal Texts of the Quran. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 71 (02): 221–37.
- 12. Accepted papers must be presented at the seminar.13. For further information related to paper systematical writing please follow the template provided. Download Paper Template